COFFEE TONE Video recording and photography

Film maker and photography services: Capture your moments with style and authenticity

At COFFEE TONE, we don’t just liven up your events with unforgettable live music performances. We go further by offering you a complete video and photography service. Thanks to our team of professional photographers and videographers, we immortalize your precious moments with an artistic eye and meticulous attention to detail.

Video: Relive your moments in high definition, with tailor-made services

Video is the perfect tool to relive the energy, atmosphere and details that only real-time action can capture. Our professional videographers transform your events into vibrant memories thanks to technical and creative expertise. Depending on the scale of your project, we offer you the possibility to customize our video services, according to your specific needs.

Our video services:

  • Event film: Capture the essence of your celebrations with dynamic and inspiring videos, whether it’s concerts, festivals or intimate ceremonies.
  • Music group + videographer pack: At an event where you hire the COFFEE TONE music group, a videographer or video team can be included to keep a testimonial film of the entire event.
  • Teasers and promotional videos: Ideal for companies wishing to promote their events or products. We create impactful and professional videos to strengthen your communication.
  • Live video recording of music groups: Our experience in the field makes us particularly relevant in the production of live videos. We can produce concert recordings, live session recordings, video teasers. We bring our experience and advice with a spirit of benevolence always predominating.
  • Professional editing: Each moment is edited with precision to guarantee a coherent rhythm and an atmosphere faithful to the spirit of your event.

You can choose between:

  • A single videographer: For projects requiring simple and effective capture, a single professional videographer will be able to capture the essentials while discreetly integrating into your event.
  • A complete filming team: For more complex and ambitious projects, such as capturing live music or events with multiple points of view, we provide you with an entire team. Thanks to a multi-cam system, several camera operators and cameras can capture every angle of your performance with precision. This approach is particularly suitable for concerts, conferences, or large events, offering an immersive and professional final result.

Cutting-edge equipment for spectacular results

At COFFEE TONE, we have chosen to invest in high-quality equipment to guarantee videos that meet your expectations. Our videographers work in particular with Sony A7SIII cameras, renowned for their exceptional performance in terms of image quality. With their ultra-sensitive sensor and ability to film in low light conditions, these cameras offer 4K resolution with remarkable sharpness, perfect for capturing the most subtle details. A very complete range of high-end lenses allows you to reproduce all kinds of scenes, from wide-angle to ultra-zoom, ensuring maximum versatility whatever the type of filming.

In addition, we use professional lighting solutions to guarantee perfect illumination in all environments. Whether indoor filming in low light conditions or outdoor captures, our lighting equipment allows you to create harmonious and aesthetic atmospheres. Softboxes, LED panels and other lighting devices ensure soft and uniform diffusion, while adapting to each situation to highlight subjects and settings in an optimal way.

Combined with expert technical mastery, these cameras produce smooth and immersive cinematic videos, whether for intimate events or live captures requiring precise and professional rendering.

Whether you opt for a simple shoot or a more elaborate production with several cameramen, our videos are produced in high definition with cutting-edge equipment, such as the Sony A7S3, for a result that is both immersive and impeccable.

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Photography: Capture the emotion and beauty of every moment

Photography is much more than just a service: it is an art that we practice with passion to immortalize your precious moments. We offer a wide range of photographic services, adapted to each type of event or project, whether personal or professional.

  • Event reporting: Whether for a wedding, a private ceremony or a corporate event, our documentary approach captures the strong and spontaneous moments naturally. Without interruptions or forced staging, we tell the story of your event through lively and authentic shots.
  • Family portraits and corporate shooting: Treat yourself to unforgettable memories with our family portrait sessions, outdoors or in the studio, to capture the essence of your bonds. For companies, we produce professional portraits that reflect your brand image, as well as team and executive photos, ideal for your corporate communication.
  • Live music and entertainment photography: We have mastered the art of capturing the energy and atmosphere of live performances. Whether it is a concert, a play or a dance show, we capture the key moments, with expert management of stage lights and rapid movements.

Since the field of photography is very broad, contact us to find out if we can meet your project.

High-end equipment for impeccable photos

To offer impeccable quality, we use cutting-edge equipment. Our photographers are equipped with high-performance cameras and lenses as well as professional flashes and light diffusers to enhance your subjects in all conditions, whether they are taken outdoors, in the studio, or in scenes requiring special lighting.

Thanks to our range of varied lenses, we are able to capture images of a wide variety: wide angles, close-up portraits, meticulous details of products or distants subjets. Each shot is taken with meticulous attention to detail, in accordance with your expectations.

We believe in the importance of immortalizing every moment while letting you fully enjoy your day, without intrusive interruptions. The result? Photos full of emotion and authenticity.

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With COFFEE TONE, photography and video become much more than just memories. We create works that tell your story, with passion and professionalism. Trust our team to capture the essence of your moments, whether personal or professional, by choosing the service that best fits your vision.


Video capture and photography Video capture and photography Video capture and photography Video capture and photography
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